Friday, September 29, 2017

Moving onto State

What a great meet yesterday.  Thanks to all of the parents who pitched in, you made it a great success filled with memories and fun times.  This is a great time for you to reflect with your child about their experiences in cross country.  Hopefully they have had some fun, felt accomplished and realized they can do hard things.  We also hope they accomplished their goal and if they didn't, encourage them to continue working on it or run again next year to conquer it then. We have really enjoyed getting to know your kids and are very proud of them.  Next week, our practices will be geared toward getting ready for state. We ask those runners going to state to make an extra effort to be there.  For those who aren't going to state, we also encourage to be there.  It is still a great opportunity to be a part of the team and run together.  State is on October 5, 2017 at 5:30.  Please be there at 5 to get warmed up and check out the course.  For those not running, we would love to have you also come and join us, representing North Star as we cheer on our teammates. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

9/14/17- 4th meet down, 4 more to go

Congratulations to a great meet!!  Great job to all of our awesome runners.  There have been some pretty fantastic improvements in the season thus far. 

Earlier in the season runners had an opportunity to set a goal.  Whether it be to walk only one time during a race or improve their time by 30 sec, each goal is individual and valuable to that runner.  There are so many ways we can improve ourselves in our daily lives, but running helps us build our stamina emotionally and physically.  I'm very proud of your runners and their determination to do better.  Ask your runner about the goal they set and what their plan is to accomplish it. 

Praise them when they work hard, encourage them when it gets hard, and support them when they fail hard.  Not every race is an improvement. Not every race is a success, but the important lesson for us all to learn is to keep going and finish the best we can.  We run when we feel good and we run when we feel bad.  We just keep going and do the best we can at that time.  Thanks for all of your amazing support.  

Thursday, September 7, 2017


Hooray North Star Academy runners! You were amazing today at our meet.  I'm so glad the air cleared up and we were able to run.  I was a little worried about the course today since we were on home turf, but had never run the course before.  Way to go! Everyone was awesome :).  I've posted the results from the meet on the 2017 meet results page.  There were some great PR's happening.  We did great as a team as well as individually.  Make sure to remember, the most important thing is to improve your own personal time.  Also, think about the goal you set at practice and see how you are doing accomplishing that goal.  Think about what you need to do to get it accomplished. I'm so proud of you all!!!  Go Bears!

Friday, September 1, 2017

9/1/17 Welcome!

Welcome North Star Academy cross country runners and families to the 2017 season! What an exciting start we had yesterday at our first meet. We are in for a fun and great season!

I'm a little late getting this website up and running, but it's finally here. On this website, you'll find the calendar of events for this year, each runner's race results for each race, and posts with information for the team.  For security reasons I am only using the first three letters of each runner's name as I list their results from each race.  If you aren't a part of the Groupme texts, please contact Jody or myself so we can make sure you're on it.  On the Groupme, you'll also receive quick updates or messages we'll communicate throughout the season.

Parents can purchase a team shirt for $10.  Please let Jody know if you'd like one, if you haven't yet.  Our next meet, on Sept 7, will be hosted by North Star Academy.  I've sent in for an approval to reserve the Wardle Fields park next to NSA, but have reserved the Bluffdale City Park in case we don't hear back from the county in time.  I'll let you know by Wednesday evening or Thursday morning exactly what location the race will be at. We still have some days to sign up for treats if you're interested ( or go to the calendar link and comment below).  If you're unable to get onto the website, but want to bring treats, let me know and I can sign you up. We sure appreciate your support for your kids as well as for us.  Thank you!!